How content replacement works:

1. Alacrity contacts the insured to review contents losses

2. Our content specialists determine current LKQ value

3. We send contents evaluation to adjuster

4. Adjuster authorizes replacement

5. Product(s) sent directly to insured

6. Adjuster issues payment to Alacrity
Tell us how you’d like assistance, or
have us handle it all for you.
We’ll help you tackle simple single-item claims, like residential burglary, complex commercial business losses and everything between.
On-Site Inventory Creation
Photograph and itemize non-salvageable contents.
Create a precise, uniform and easy-to-read inventory in the format that best fits your workflow.
Contents Valuation
Research LKQ pricing and apply depreciation to the contents inventory.
Contents Replacement
Leverage established relationships with manufacturers, distributors and retailers to ship LKQ replacement items directly to the insured.
Reduce claim exposure by recouping funds for lightly damaged and recovered contents.
Receipt Management
Provide holdback calculations and/or ALE receipt organization.
Car Seat Replacement Program
Offer a fast, easy solution for car seat loss due to auto accident .
Benefits For:

- Close claims quickly
- Fast inventory creation
- More accurate valuation – including depreciation
- Easy-to-use Contents Valuation Report (CVR)

- Profitability from lower Loss Adjusting Errors/Expense
- Flexible menu of customizable services
- Personal service ensures customer satisfaction and maximizes retention
- Discounted pricing on many replacement items

- Direct shipment of new LKQ replacement items
- Name brand merchandise with manufacturer warranties
- Reduced business interruption cycle
- Fast, efficient claims settlement